Mamalehe kitchen ~ My inspiring world

Selamat datang di dapur miniku, Mamalehe Kitchen. Nama "mamalehe" ada diciptakan oleh belahan jiwa kami, My Alyssa. Panggilan sayang untuk aku, ibunya. Disini tempatku menuangkan segala inspirasi dan cinta. Sebesar cinta & sayangku untuk dua cintaku : Suamiku dan Anakku. Enjoy your stay ! Feel free utk mencoba semua resep yg ada disini.

Friday, February 23, 2007

The King & I : Special Feature for Femina Magazine

My 3rd published cake ....

So here's the story. One day, Mbak Joy from Femina Magazine called me. She requested if it is possible for me to make a cake for her feature article. The article is about "Menikah dg Pewaris Tahta". It's about an ordinary woman who marry the succesor. The prince of the business' kingdom. Or something like that * i lost my words hehehe*.

I only have few days to think and describe the right figure to create the cake. And it seems i found nothing in my brain ;-) Until one day, i got it just like that in one click !
(Thanks to my friend, Dinny Damayani, who gave the brilliant idea. Muah muah!).

So here we go...the King & I cake. It's an artwork from fondant. And it (only) took 7 hours (9 pm - 4 am) to create these two figures. And now i'm sleepy , very sleepy.

The King & I : Special feature for Femina magazine

Close up

The king and an ordinary woman

What do you think ?! Is it fit to the article ?! Hope so.

Mamalehe Kitchen
"It's not just a cake"
by Luluk



  • At 11:16 AM, Blogger Widya Puteri said…

    aduh mba saya mah takut maina fondant.. secara waktu TK dulu maen lilin-linan aja suka gk jelas bentuknya apa.. apalgi sekarang mainan fondant..

    hiks.. hiks.. nunggu kelas fondant dulu deh..

  • At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mbak Luluk, kebetulan saya baca femina yang dimaksud.....salam kenal ya mbak. Cakenya lucu lucu banget. Boleh tau gak siy..kalo fondant itu dimakan rasanya terlalu manis banget gak?? tks


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