Mamalehe kitchen ~ My inspiring world

Selamat datang di dapur miniku, Mamalehe Kitchen. Nama "mamalehe" ada diciptakan oleh belahan jiwa kami, My Alyssa. Panggilan sayang untuk aku, ibunya. Disini tempatku menuangkan segala inspirasi dan cinta. Sebesar cinta & sayangku untuk dua cintaku : Suamiku dan Anakku. Enjoy your stay ! Feel free utk mencoba semua resep yg ada disini.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Winnie the Pooh & Friends Cake

New challenge : Buat replika cake..hmmm...

Kenapa replika ?! Karena beda dari cake-cake yg sebelumnya dibuat, cake ini dibuat dari cake yg pernah dibuat oleh baker yg lain. Satu hari Mbak Rini mengirimkan beberapa gambar contoh cake yg didapat dari internet (kalo gak salah). Beliau minta dibuatkan utk sang keponakan, Rafi. Ini contoh cake yg di-request :

Ceritanya Pooh, tigger, eeyore dan piglet naik balon udara. Trus ada tangga menuju awan. Ada awan, pelangi dan langitnya. Hmmm mayan rumit juga ya.

Dan inilah hasil cake replika versi mamalehe. Bedanya ? Buanyak ! Banyak modifikasi disana sini sesuai dg ukuran cake. Pooh dkk yg ada di contoh cake kayaknya terbuat dari boneka kain. Sementara karakter Pooh dkk yg aku buat dibuat dari fondant. Hanya ada Pooh, piglet dan tigger. Itupun hasilnya *ihiks* masih jauhhhhh bgt dari sempurna alias cacat abis.

Pooh & friends cake

Langit biru, awan, pelangi......

Tigger at glance. Cacat gak sih *hiks*

Satu-satunya bagian yg gak bisa dimakan dari cake adalah balonnya dan beberapa tusuk gigi di figurnya Pooh dkk.

Ah semoga gak ngecewain ya mbak. Dan semoga cukup mirip *gak pede mode on*.

Mamalehe Kitchen
"It's not just a cake"
by Luluk

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lets Play Soccer Cake

It's soccer time !

It's quite surprising still when Mbak Alia (the Sesame Street Cake) contacted me and asked if i could make the soccer cake for her friend & her colleague in USAID.
I didn't feel that confident to make the soccer cake complete with the soccer players from fondant. Until the last days....

So after here and there, finally i put myself in this challenge. This special cake was dedicated to Chimi Thondes, for her son, Rinzin.

The cake was Heavenly cheese vanilla cake. One of the most favourite cake in my kitchen since the last few weeks. It's so cheesy. Anyhow the most challenging part of this cake was how to make the soccer players standing properly. Can i do it ?! i dunno. I always believe that there's always an answer for a question. Especially if you never stop to try to find the answer.
Alhamdulillah. I got the answer after so many failed hehehe.

So here we go........

Lets play soccer' cake
Click to the image for bigger view



The soccer players....

Few hours after cake delivery, i got a message from Chimi in my cellphone :
"Luluk, just saw cake. It is fantastic ! Thx so much!"

Couples more hours......another message come from Chimi :
"Hi Luluk, everyone loved the cake, both the look and the taste. It was very delicious and fresh and not too sweet. Just perfect. Thx so much for all your work ! We will call you again in May for our daughter's bday. Much thx !".

Alhamdulillah. I feel so relieved. Finally i can go to sleep now hehehe.

My special thanks to Chimi and family. Thank you ! Honestly you're the 1st expatriate who ordered my cake. And i feel proud of it. Thanks a bunch ! And my deeply apologize for being sooo late to upload your cake into my blog. It tooks almost a month now. I'm sorry. I get burried in my office jobs huhuhu.

My very special thanks also delivered to Mbak Alia who recommended my cake to Chimi. Muah muah. Semoga gak bosen ya mbak. Maaf telattt bgt uploadnya. Hiks.

Mamalehe Kitchen
"It's not just a cake"
by Luluk

Friday, February 23, 2007

The King & I : Special Feature for Femina Magazine

My 3rd published cake ....

So here's the story. One day, Mbak Joy from Femina Magazine called me. She requested if it is possible for me to make a cake for her feature article. The article is about "Menikah dg Pewaris Tahta". It's about an ordinary woman who marry the succesor. The prince of the business' kingdom. Or something like that * i lost my words hehehe*.

I only have few days to think and describe the right figure to create the cake. And it seems i found nothing in my brain ;-) Until one day, i got it just like that in one click !
(Thanks to my friend, Dinny Damayani, who gave the brilliant idea. Muah muah!).

So here we go...the King & I cake. It's an artwork from fondant. And it (only) took 7 hours (9 pm - 4 am) to create these two figures. And now i'm sleepy , very sleepy.

The King & I : Special feature for Femina magazine

Close up

The king and an ordinary woman

What do you think ?! Is it fit to the article ?! Hope so.

Mamalehe Kitchen
"It's not just a cake"
by Luluk


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cat Cake for Fara

For cat lover .....

Terinspirasi dari Cat Cake, Mbak Dina memesan cake ini utk Fara, sang buah hati, yg ultah 1 minggu ini.
Cakenya dibuat dari lapis surabaya kotak ukuran 22 cm diukir menjadi bentuk kucing 3 dimensi. It's pretty similar that last Cat Cake. Termasuk warna dan coverage-nya.

Cat Cake for Fira

Gak lama setelah itu Mbak Dewi bilang kalo cakenya belum dipotong. Dipotongnya nunggu kalo Fara gak liat. Gak tega katanya. Takut terjadi sadisme hehehe. Kebayang sih mbak. Aku sendiri mungkin doing the same thing hehehe. Happy bday utk Fara ya. Muah muah.

Mamalehe Kitchen
"It's not just a cake"
by Luluk

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Monday, February 19, 2007

AML Cake - Pinky Touch

My 11th After Make Love (AML) Cake ....

Cake ini diorder oleh Mbak Dewi for her lovely husband on their wedding anniversary.
Yang agak beda dari AML cake ini adalah pinky touch utk underwear. Selebihnya gak ada yg beda dari AML-AML cake sebelumnya.

AML Cake-Pinky Touch
For detail view, please click to the image

Mbak Dewi, hope this cake could cheer your happy day up.

Mamalehe Kitchen
"It's not just a cake"
by Luluk

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pesta Bola Cake

It's balls time !

Cake ini dibuat utk Wira, jagoannya jeng Ade Novita, yg ultah pertama kemaren. Wahhh gak berasa ya. Bedetuyu Wira. Semoga maklin pintar & sholeh.

Sejak awal pesanan (which is itu bulan sebelumnya hehehe) sang ibunda Wira minta supaya tema cakenya penuh dg bola. Tadinya ada request : Bola soccer, basket, tenis, volley, golf. Tapi pas dah diliat dari komposisi warna dan bentuk berasa kurang pas. Jadilah bakernya improvisasi buat : Soccer, basket, tenis, rugby & baseball.

Ah ya jenis cakenya baru nih namanya "Banana Paradise Riched With Cheese" alias cake pisang yg dilapis dg vla cream cheese. Bola-bolanya dibuat dari brownies kukus (utk bola sepaknya) & lapis legit utk bola lainnya. Dan bola-bola itu dibuat bukan dari cetakan kue bentuk bola. Tapi dari cake biasa bentuk kotak dan diukir menjadi bentuk bulat bola.

And here is the cake.....

Balls Party Cake

Click to the image for bigger view

Bola dimana-mana

Soccer ball alias bola sepak

Basket ball

Rugby ball


Tennis ball

Cakenya sempet bikin geger. Secara my MIL gak doyang bgt ama cake itu. Walhasil gak pede abis dg rasanya. Ah semoga disuka ya jeng Ade.

Ok it's your turn now. Which ball do you most like ?!

Mamalehe Kitchen
"It's not just a cake"
by Luluk

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lighting McQueen Cake

It's character car cake

Cake ini dipesan oleh Citra, temen di kantor lama, utk ultah 1 jagoannya, Yazid. Karena Yazid penggemar berat tokoh cars cake, jadilah McQueen ini nangkring diatas cakenya.

Cakenya dibuat dari chocolate devils cake. Untuk McQueennya dibuat dari lapis sby kotak yg diukir jadi bentuk McQueen. Selebihnya sepi dari ide utk hiasannya. Payah yah. Jadilah cake ini as simply as like that.

Lighting McQueen Cake

Close up the car.

So what do you think ?!

Mamalehe Kitchen
"It's not just a cake"
by Luluk

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